Dear Fellow Graziers,
Lancaster County Graziers is planning their 26th annual grazing conference on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 19 and 20, 2019. Note change in location! New meeting address is 352 Martindale Road, Ephrata, PA 17522.
The 2019 conference theme is “Surviving Tough Times”. This will prove to be a learning and stimulating time, hearing what our speakers are doing to stay profitable. Our focus on Tuesday the 19th is surviving tough times and the second day on marketing what you produce. One change will be a phone relay system whereby we can update you by phone about meetings and changes. So make sure when you fill out your registration that we have the phone number that you want to be updated on. If you are not coming to this meeting, but want to be on that hotline please make sure you text me with the name and number you want on the hotline updates.
Tuesday registration will be opened at 7:30 so come prepared to learn. Our speaker line up brings a lot of experience to the table. We have two panels planned, one on surviving price downturns and weather challenges and then one on opportunities in direct marketing.
About some of our speakers: Nathan Weaver Canastota, New York (frequent contributor to Graze Magazine) will begin on Tuesday at 9 am by giving us a picture why we are in this down market. Alan Newport farmer, writer and editor of the Beef Producer will give some hands on ideas that will reduce your costs of operating a grass based dairy beef or sheep operation. Max Kane, CEO of “Farm Match” and Edwin Shank from Family cow will share some differing views about pricing and marketing. If grass management and farm marketing potential, moving into tougher times is of interest to you, this will be an opportunity to learn from many years of experience.
John K. Lapp is in charge of the food. To donate or supply food contact him at 717-733-1766. Good opportunity to advertise your food items. Your donations will be greatly appreciated also. The evening meal on Tuesday will be finger food. Bring your favorite healthy snack like cheese, meat, gluten free cookies and/or healthy drink (kombucha, kefir etc.).
Roman Stoltzfoos, 717-278-1070 Secretary
Exhibitors Contact Levi Fisher, 717-405-9438